Cars, Boats and Planes..

This was to be the biggest and most expensive outing yet! It was a major feat to get everybody all in one place, a rarity indeed. We hired a transit minibus and wondered why we didn't think of it earlier with all the cramped space of a normal estate car.

Fact Panel


Trip Date:
June 1998
Ford Transit Minibus
Three Days
Cost of Trip Per Person:
Sony TR-800 Hi8 Video Camera

Members Attending

St Ives Trivia

Known For:
Fish, Harbour, Art Galleries.

Where is St Ives?
Day One: Saturday

We travelled down on Friday night and arrived at the chalet at about 8.00am in the morning after a short kip in a layby. A short wash and brush up then it was off to catch the ferry to the Isles of Scilly The sea was rough and Mike was sick. A day was then spent tramping round the island of St Marys..

The scenery lent itself very well to video and time was taken to set up the shots of the island which came out very well indeed. of course there was time during the day to sample the fine cream teas on offer before we caught the plane back to Land's End aerodrome. This in itself was the highlight of the trip, in fact we got the whole plane to ourselves save a poor American lady. Dread to think what she thought of us all!

Day Two: Sunday

The next day it was decided that St Michael's Mount might be worth a visit so off we went. Another ferry was caught, a small boat this time. Not wanting to pay the £3.50 to enter the castle part of it we hung around the gardens and cannons taking photos. Once again we set up the video round the back of the Mount to capture all of us leaping off a large ledge, attracting the attention of some Japanese tourists passing through. Still we did get the shot from two angles simultaneously

Later on we popped into St Ives again to get some food, and then paid a visit to Land's End. The weather was a bit dull but it was still worth it anyway. There was an interesting display there about the place and it's sea connections. Most interesting!

Whilst we were at Land's End we decided to have an official photo taken at the famous sign. If you haven't seen it already this photo already it can be found on the home page. They certainly made a lot of money out of us when we came along that's for sure! It cost us about £35 to have a copy each which ain't cheap…

It was then back to the chalet for a rest from the day's activities before trekking 3 miles to the nearest watering hole for a small quaff of ale and much polite conversation. Well the conversation was polite at the beginning of the evening but it seemed to rapidly descend into a quagmire of rantings and ravings before slipping into incoherency. A good night, then!

Day Three: Monday
On our final day we took a trip to Flambards at Helston. There was plenty to see and do, and a funfair added extra interest into the day. Naturally lots of opportunity for film-making here, many good shots captured down on tape, of note the log flume-right in the action..

The next day we headed home, stopping off at Newquay on the way. Here we took some photos on the beach and ran the gauntlet of some waves. While we were at Newquay we also got the photos you see here developed at a total cost of £40!

So there you have it. Another Arrow Trip in the bag. This was the best trip so far in my humble opinion, but we wait with trepidation to see what happens down in Weymouth

Click for Trip 1999