Romans, Sea Bird Colonies and Knights of Old..

To the wild and barborious lands of the North we go this year..

Fact Panel


Trip Date:
June 2007
Merecedes Vito Minibus
Rented House
Five Days
Cost of Trip Per Person:
Sony Mini DV
Very Good

Members Attending

Northumberland Trivia

Known For:
Holy Islands, Vindolanda, Big Castles.

Where is Northumberland?
Day One: Saturday 9th June

It's to the wild and barbarous lands of the north we head this year. The group set off, stopping off at a Little Chef (Remember those?) for an Olympic breakfast and Jubilee Pancake. In short order of time we arrived at Mariner's View, a well appointed accommodation in Amble. No time was wasted heading to the Morrisons supermarket to stock up on comestibles. After a walk round the 'barren wastes of Amble' according to some was in order. That also included the harbour so it wasn't all bad.

Hunger called in the fullness of time and a short visit to Warkworth brought us to the Hermitage for the usual evening meal. Further liquid sustenance ensued at the Mason Arms, The Black Bull and the Warkworth Hotel. It was then back to Amble for last drinks at he house.

Quote of the Day:
Chris: 'We must remember that dog crap on the way back.'
Stuart: ' Why, do you think you'll still be hungry?'

Day Two: Sunday 10th June

It was up and a healthy breakfast in the Arrow Group style ie not healthy at all. After they were done it was decided that Hadrian's Wall would be a nice place to visit for a while. So a drive of miles later brought them to a settlement called Vindolanda. Chris's usual approach to these historical wonders was noticed ie why are we here, it's a load of old rocks etc. One amusing incident was the bogs. Chris: "Did you hear the length of the whoosh and splosh - I think he shat in a well. And all that puffing and panting afterwards - I think he was climbing out"

All that Romanic exertion called for a Light Lunch, which was had at Vindolanda. Another place to visit soon followed and Almouth was a calling. A good walk along the beach was rewarded with great scenery etc. This meant more exertion which meant some DSA was on the cards when we got back to the house after.

The evening ended pretty much as you might expect with a visit to the local pubs and an evening meal. It was during this period where we arrive at the quote of the day, with Mic taking the honours by shouting very loudly in the pub 'Bring me a Virgin's heart'.

Day Three: Monday 11th June
It was exciting times today as there was a two hour boat trip out the seabird colonies of the Farne Islands off the coast. It was a very fast boat, a fast-track Rib, it went exceedingly fast indeed. A most delightful look at the various fauna, Seagulls, Puffins and Gullimots etc. The boatmen thought Mr Mark hailed from Norway, observing his beanie hat which admittedly said 'Norge' on it with a Norwegian flag. There was some disappointment as it was announced the group were from Nottingham. 'Nottingham eh?' Came the response..'Aye' said Mr Mark.

Back to Seahouses and they refreshed themselves with a baguette at a crappy Cafe there. Never mind, some sporty related adventures lie in wait with a go on the Crazy Golf. Exciting times. Mic won with 10 points and 3 holes in one occurring, while Mark trailed far behind with 2 points at best. Feeling fully satisfied at the game, they then drove across to Holy Island over the causeway, not getting stuck by the tide at all, quite surprisingly. Afternoon Tea was taken at the Boat and Anchor on the Island, with more wandering about the place.

The evening was then spent in Alnwick where the group had got a taxi, and had an Indian meal there. All very good with liquid refreshment imbibed at the Market Tavern and Queens Head. Tax back to the house completed the evening.

Day Four: Tuesday 12th June
More excitement was-a-coming, for it was to be an excursion to a museum. Not any old museum however, no, it was the Beamish Museum. It rains for much of the day but that didn't dampen the group's spirits and much enjoyment was had. Lunch at 'The Sun' pub within the complex provided the necessary top up fuel to keep them going for the day.

In the afternoon the group diverted to South Shields, wandering around the place as is usual. Afternoon tea at Monchillas was had, followed by Crazy Golf - the current champion (Mike) didn’t play on a rain sodden course.

Back for DSA and some general lounging around then out for a meal at The Masons in Warkworth followed by Quiz Night at the same place. The Arrowgroup come third with 49 against 2 winning scores of 50. Danny La Rue was wrongly changed to Danny Kaye which lost the match. No names no pack drill but it was Mr Mark wot dun it. The Jackpot round was which country does 'Tower Airways' come from? The Arrowgroup were smoking the victory when Matthew declared that he didn't know. Stuart did a 'Self Boosting' moan for the walk back to explain why they lost.

On the way back Mic Decided to Walk back slowly, knowing that he had the House key and the Walter. The group were spaced out along the road. Chris remarked "They've stopped in order of Brain size". And thus ended the last night.

Day Five: Wednesday 13th June
The last day and homeward bound. Packing up, 'Matthew Damage' was limited to dismantling the digital aerial system. Mic's damagewas limited to Putting the Grill Handle on a low light.

A trip round Alnwick Castle was the final hurrah, and much fun it had to be said, with the boys dressing up as knights of old, followed by summing up outside the castle of the trip's events to date. Home was via Bedlington, with lunch at Thirsk in the Diner 168 which used to be a Happy Eater. I think.

This provided the group with the day's amusing incident. At the Diner the Meeter Greeter gives a typical Diner 168 welcome. "How many of there IS you ?" "Well I can put you there" (pointing to a four seater table) but that would mean I would have to get an extra chair. "You could split up" Later…. (1 minute after sitting down) "Are you ready to order drinks?" Well there's one of us in the toilets. Waitress departs with a shrug.

And so the trip ended with the drop-offs and they arrive back at around 4.05pm. Another one in the bag again. Next year would see the group go all out and excel themselves by leaving the Uk completely for much warmer climes..

Click for Trip 2008